
Films made by students on Young Film Academy (YFA) courses & programmes have gained recognition in film festivals across the world!



Young Film Academy is very proud that our students have won the following international awards for their films made at YFA:

Best Narrative Short (New York Tri-State International Film Festival)

Best Young Director (Palermo Independent International Film Festival)

Best Young Director (Reale Film Festival)

Best Short Film (Toronto Indie Filmmakers Festival)

Best Student Film (Madonie Film Festival)

Best Short Film (Omnia Film Festival)

Best Student Film (Lavenham Film Festival)

Honourable Mention (Blackbird Film Festival)

Best Screenplay (Intervalli Film Festival)

Gold Award for Student Film (International Independent Film Awards)

Selection in the ‘Filmmakers of Tomorrow’ Showcase (San Luis Obispo International Film Festival)

Semi Finalist (Stockholm City Film Festival)

Best Horror Film & Best Actress (GOSH! Horrow Show Paris)

Film of the Month (Into Film) – https://www.intofilm.org/news-and-views/articles/boo-fotm

Best Student Film (Japan International Film Festival)

Best Young Director (Monza Film Festival)

Best European Film (Absurd Film Festival)

Best Young Director (Reale Film Festival)

Honourable Mention (LA Indie Horror Fest)

Best Student Short (Robinson Film Awards)

Best Young Director (Night of Shorts)

Best Student Short Film (Folkestone Film Festival)

Best Student Film (British Horror Film Festival)

Best Student Film (Milan Independent Awards)

Best Student Short (London International Fantastic Film Festival)



Our students have had fantastic opportunities to attend these film festivals, receive their awards and see their work screened in front of a real life audience.




Strings filmmakers speak at Romford Horror Festival 2025




CHAD GPT  has been nominated for the Filmmakers of Tomorrow Youth Competition at San Luis Obispo International Film Festival





Strings wins Best Screenplay at Intervalli Festival Cinema




Strings wins Best Student Short at London International Fantastic Film Festival




Strings Director, Eleanor Smith and Cinematographer, Lilly-Lou Pastor take Screamfest® Horror Film Festival in Los Angeles by storm




GOSH! Horror Show Paris awards Strings Best Horror Film and Best Actress






BOO student filmmakers give exclusive interview as Into Film’s Film of the Month






Film Festivals offer a fantastic platform for young filmmakers, not just as a chance to recognise and celebrate their fantastic work, but to begin establishing a name for themselves in the industry.


Benefits of a selection in a festival include:

  • Generating buzz and excitement around your work!
  • Bringing your films to new audiences.
  • Meeting other filmmakers and future collaborators.
  • Networking and building connections with industry: producers, agents, programmers.
  • Building a film portfolio for applications to higher education, jobs and opportunities in the future.

Full list of festivals that YFA student films have played at:


Lavenham Film Festival https://lavenhamfilmfestival.co.uk/ 

Ortigia Film Festival https://www.ortigiafilmfestival.com/en/ 

New York Tristate International Film Festival https://www.newyorktristatefilm.com

Palermo Independent International Film Festival https://piiffest.com 

Reale Film Festival http://www.realefilmfestival.com 

Toronto Indie Filmmakers https://www.torontoindiefestival.com 

Madonie Film Festival https://madoniefilmfestival.com

Japan International Film Festival https://www.japanfilmfest.com

Roma Short Film Festival https://www.romashortfilmfest.com 

Tokyo International Short Film Festival https://www.tokyoshortfilmfest.com 

Maverick Movie Awards https://www.maverickmovieawards.com 

Rieti Film Festival https://www.rietiinternationalfilmfestival.com 

Ostia Film Festival https://www.ostiafilmfestival.com 

Sunrise Film Festival | Lowestoft https://sunrisefilmfestival.co.uk 

Metropolis Film Festival https://metropolisfilmfestival.it/?lang=en 

Montecatini International Short Film Festival https://www.filmvideomontecatini.it 

San Luis Obispo International Film Festival https://slofilmfest.org 

Stockholm City Film Festival https://stockholmcityfilmfestival.se

Folkestone Film Festival  https://filmfreeway.com/FolkestoneFilmFestival 

Berlin REC Film Festival  https://rec-filmfestival.de/

Red Movie Awards  https://redmovieawards.com/

Into Film Awards (First Light Awards) https://www.intofilm.org/awards

Seoul International Short Film Festival https://www.seoulshortfilmfestival.com/ 

British Horror Film Festival https://www.filmfestivalguild.com/british-horror-film-festival 

Ramaskrik Film Festival https://eng.ramaskrik.no/ 

GOSH! Horror Show Paris https://www.gosh-festival.com/horror-show/ 

London International Fantastic Film Festival https://londonfanta.com/ 

Screamfest® Horror Film Festival https://screamfestla.com/ 

London Horror Film Awards https://horrorfilmaward.com/ 

Metropolis Film Festival https://metropolisfilmfestival.it/?lang=en 

Dead Northern Horror Film Festival https://www.deadnorthern.co.uk/

Rieti Film Festival https://www.rietiinternationalfilmfestival.com/

Festival of Short Film https://www.salford.ac.uk/

Intervalli Festival https://sangremalo.it/festival/

Romford Horror Festival https://www.romfordhorrorfestival.com/

Cleveland International Film Festival https://www.clevelandfilm.org/

Capital City Film Festival https://capitalcityfilmfest.com/

National Film Festival for Talented Youth https://www.nffty.org/

Robinson Film Awards https://robinsonfilmawards.altervista.org/